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Welcome to The Mika Channel's New Website!

Following our big editorial change in Autumn 2014, we are now excited to present our newly designed webpage to you, which we hope will present you with a more enjoyable experience, as you watch the programmes on The Mika Channel and browse through the pages of the site.

These are the main changes:

1. The introduction of the news blog (the one you're reading right now!), where all news related to the Mika Channel, and many more features will be published regularly

2. Individual pages for each show, in the programmes section, providing more details, and easier access to every episode

3. The old website being reconverted to a revamped video archive, where all videos from the early days (2011-2014) are available for viewing

4. The uploading of our programmes to YouTube, and the introduction of Social Media pages

We hope that you enjoy our new webdesign and look forward to keeping you up to date on upcoming projects on this newsblog.

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