The Song Of The Week
Get to know great, yet little known songs in Cindy Sonners' musical short programme The Song of The Week, which puts forward new music in every episode.

Production Details
The Song of the Week, first confirmed in September 2014, made its appearance soon after with a season of 8 episodes for 2014-15. The musical programme hosted by Cindy Sonners included a short introduction to the song shown each episode and the song itself, in full length. According to the producers, its aim was to show that "there's a lot of good music out there, and little of it gets the exposure it deserves". Following the relatively successful first season, a second was confirmed for autumn 2016 which had several minor changes, and would include 10 episodes. Only 2 were ever released though, due to lack of interest from the viewers, and it was therefore announced that the show would not be renewed for a third season. A new musical programme of a similar vein was in the works for summer 2017, however, which unfortunately never got further than the planning stages.
Technical Sheet
Created by
N° of Seasons
N° of Episodes
Running Time
Music, Entertainment
André Delots, Mika BV
Cindy Sonners
3-5 minutes
2014 - 2016